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Tel: +1858-412-9514




Hours of Operation

24/7, 365.

Thanks for submitting!

What kind of info will we request?

To contact your insurer here is a list of what we'll ask for:


  1. Picture of Front & Back of your HMO or PPO insurance card

  2. Patient's full name

  3. Patient's date of birth

  4. Current location & Desired destination

  5. Patient's most current H&P


At this point we will contact your insurance company to discuss the details which will grant us a pre-authorization.

AviaMedix will do everything possible to utilize our contracted/dedicated aircraft vendors which operate under their own FAA 135 certificates. AviaMedix provides full time air medical crews, medical equipment and EMS Policies & Procedures.
Transportation delays such as weather, travel conditions, health or safety factors or unforeseen maintenance issues may cause AviaMedix, or the Part 135 air carrier operating the flight, to subcontract/outsource the medical services or flight to another approved provider. AviaMedix and the Part 135 air carriers with which it contracts, run a quality driven operation with an excellent safety record.
*Available upon request. Gulfstream, Challenger and Falcon aircraft are not dedicated, nor do we have operational control. These aircraft will be equipped with medical staff and equipment when utilized.

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© 2018 by AviaMedix, LLC. 

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